Privacy statement

This is the DOGIO IP Privacy Statement.

In it, we explain what personal information we collect from you as a visitor of one of our websites, from you as a DOGIO IP customer or from you as a service provider.  The  General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in force in the European Union protects the personal privacy of it’s citizens. It demands that a company processes personal data fairly, lawfully and transparently, that it only processes information with a legitimate purpose, that it collects a minimum of information for a limited amount of time and only by authorized and authenticated persons. Note that in the Netherlands the regulation goes by the name AVG (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming).

Our customer facing websites ( and are informational only. A cookie will be placed on your computer but the cookie (think of it as a small text file) will only memorize your language preference (website in Dutch or in English?).

Our data information systems  contain information on customers, with as personal details first and last name, salutation, email address, (business) address  and telephone numbers. Additionally, if you send us an email, this email will be archived in our email system.  Archiving also includes documents that are relevant to a file. In the IP business the content of these documents can be highly sensitive, for example documents concerning inventions and pending patent applications.

We need this information in order to address questions you may have regarding our products or regarding your files, and in order to conduct business transactions on your behalf or at your request. Because of the specific nature of intellectual property transactions, we are legally obliged to, and also practically need to, keep documents in our archive for years, if not  decades. On the other hand if you are applying for a job at DOGIO IP you can be assured a resume is only hold on to for the duration of the recruitment drive.

In GDPR parlance a controller is the company that collects the information, which is DOGIO IP. Additionally  a processor processes information on behalf of the controller. The use of processors by DOGIO IP is limited. An external IT company takes care of our IT infrastructure and cyber security and several external companies handle financial transactions. Data specific to patent applications (such as inventor names and applicant names and addresses) are shared with the Netherlands Patent Office, and with our international network of IP firms and with foreign patent offices if a client wishes to file patent applications abroad. Such information is also shared with for instance the European Patent Office (EPO), who incidentally is not subject to the GDPR and works with it’s own data protection rules.  These data (inventor names and applicant names and addresses) are eventually published in the respective patent registers and international patent databases, unless the application is revoked before such publication.

In accordance with GDPR and if not conflicting with legal obligations you may expect from DOGIO IP the right of access to your data, the right of erasure, the right to have data rectified, the right to oppose certain data collection, the right to oppose profiling and the right of compensation in the event of an infringement of the regulation.

Last updated May 1 2024